The impact of school closure during covid-19

Over the last few weeks I’ve been working with colleagues at the Centre for Education and Youth and the University of Exeter on some rapid response research exploring the effect of school closure during Covid-19 on students, parents and teachers. We’ve gathered thousands of personal reflections from the front line and are releasing full findings in stages, through a series of reports. You can find more info on the project website.

Today we published a report assessing the early impact of school and college closures on students.

Here are some headlines from all of the project strands:

When schools reopen, 21% of parents we surveyed would choose to educate their children at home part time, if they were paid to do it
Over half of teachers we surveyed feel that their experience of off-site teaching will have a positive impact on their teaching once schools reopen
Most teachers we surveyed think that school closures will have a negative or very negative impact on pupil wellbeing and safety
Teachers are concerned about the impact of school closure on vulnerable young people who do not have safe home environments
Parents we surveyed feel the balance of responsibility for children’s education has shifted since schools closed
Most parents we surveyed are aiming to provide continuity with their child’s previous school or college education. Others are aiming to provide their children with a broader education, while some see their role as keeping their children busy until schools reopen
Students are concerned about the uncertainty surrounding their grades, and the impact this could have on their future plans
Parents of children with SEND are concerned about how the loss of routine, and reduced access to support, is impacting on their children
Many parents are enjoying the chance to spend more time with their children, but they are also feeling tired, stressed and anxious about their ability to juggle work, home schooling, and their own needs
Teachers are supporting home learning in a range of ways, but there are limits to what they can do
Some students are feeling less anxiety and stress now that their schools have closed
Students described the current situation in a range of ways. Many are finding it boring and repetitive, but some are also finding it relaxing